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Linksys Router


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First off,

I have a Linksys Wireless G WRT54G v4 router.

I forwarded the correct port for uTorrent in the Linksys configuration on both TCP and UDP.

I click on speed guide in uTorrent, and test to see if the port is opened. It tells me it isn't.

I have here, a screenshot of the port opened, and the message I receive.



The icon is yellow in uTorrent, and the highest speed I can get is roughly 4kb/s on a 1.5mb/s DSL connection.

I updated the firmware for my router and followed the instructions on this page..


I still can't come to a conclusion of why this won't work for me.

I have all of my firewall's disabled, including my router firewall, and my windows firewall.

I tried enabling and disabling UPnP in both my router configuration and uTorrent options.

All help is welcome. If you have MSN, feel free to IM me with suggestions @ stay_fly_05@hotmail.com.


EDIT by silverfire: Image >50KB changed to link. Please read the forum content rules before posting.

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Can you see if only µTorrent is firewalled?

Have you had to unfirewall any other program before?

I have an old wired Linksys 4-port Router and haven't really had a problem with port-forwarding since EVERY computer on my network is on fixed LAN ips...and I know which is which.

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Well, the screenshot was kind of old and weird.. so here's a new one I just took 2 seconds ago.


Keep in mind that I have no firewall software turned on, my windows firewall is off, and my router firewall is off.

The only firewall I have installed on this PC is Zone Alarm. I guess I can unistall it if it comes to that, but I'm not sure it's the problem since I don't use it.

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UPDATE: Unistalled firewall, still the same problem.

There has to be some sort of conclusion as to why this doesn't work!

EDIT: I just now tried doing the thibor firmware upgrade again.. Tried 3 different ports, no luck.

On thibor's website, I click on WRT54G v1-v4 (I have a v4) and the firmware on the router config says Wireless G Router w/Speedbooster after I install it. I don't have the speedbooster model, is there a problem with that?

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