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Romanian Translation


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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@ MaV: Am I wrong or it seems that nobody's taking care lately of the romanian translation, MaV? can I start working on it?

The big part of the job is already solved, (due to sevencore and Aremith I guess), but there are already new strings that must be translated and few "face-lifts" to be done...

Thank you

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Dear Sirs, I am dojimann, the third translator. With all due respect to Mr. sevencore and Mr. aremith, I took care of the last 30% of the present stable version that were still undone, and of most of the beta versions from 420 so far. Nevertheless, the last ver. 468 is different from those before it: it is very well done from the point of view that it contains Romanian diacritics, but it's quite inacceptable with regard to the terms.

"dosar" for "folder"?




"rata" for "rate"? I'm sure "viteza" would be much better and would clear the ambiguity between "U/L ratio" and "rate" when put into Romanian.

There are many other problems, but the biggest of all is that even if I try to repair the translation, somebody else may try to improve it again in the same direction.

If there are terms that should be reflected on, why don't you present them here? I guess this is the reason for the existence of this part of the forum.

At least, PLEASE do not edit by uploading the whole translation file. Everything gets in a mess in a moment, even the English original texts, and the translation systems gets beyond repair. (Ex.: page 14, feature DLG_TORRENTPROP03 has the English text "Tabl", while the Romanian translation is that for "Run Program").

Best regards.

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First - many thanks, dojimann, to you, sevencore and aremith! I'm sure you will succeed to solve all the little bugs.

From here it seems that is a certain lack of cooperation between all the romanian translators.

I agree with your complaints regarding the terms above (there is also "blocari" instead of "blocuri" column in the Pieces section).

But the worst part is just coming up:

For the 1.6 build 437 the language pack has the following errors:

- the baloon does not display anymore any information about the torrents number/status/speeds

- it seems that the string "&Reduce memory usage when the cache is not needed" appears

instead of MB everywhere (in the torrent details, in the General and Peers tab, etc.).

- also, in the Preferences window, "%s (%d hashfails)" appears instead of "General" section.

If you enable the english language all the informations above are displayed correctly, so the bugs are related somehow to the romanian translation.

This is all for the last language pack at a first glance (I'll keep looking and eventually post them).

Good luck and keep it on!

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Thanks for the link - I wasn't using this one, indeed, that file was about 260KB...

But it seems that, somehow, the romanian language is not in the list anymore in the 474 build?!?

And it has only 31 languages out of 38 - I'll wait for the next recompiled version.

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Once the English entries get different from the imput entries as they are now, the translation gets wrong and it is very hard to fix it, as I have no key list. This is the reason for the wrong entries listed by stihia.

Firon, I wonder, could I get a language file with the texts matching the right program imput entries? I will try to translate everything from the beginning, and then we can start together to discuss of better translations word by word.

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  • 5 weeks later...

greetz 2 the romanian translators !

i'm new here and i look forward 2 help in translating uTorrent...

first of all... how or where can i download the english file of uTorrent so i can start translating... or where can i find what's been translated so far ?

10x in advance and hope i'll be helpful :)

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have translated uTorrent 1.7.5 in romanian. The translation is made from scratch and is not based on the previous one. It contains diacritics and is compatible with UTF-8. The translation is available on my site included in the language pack (replacing the previous romanian translation).


Am tradus uTorrent 1.7.5 in romana. Traducerea este facuta de la zero si nu e bazata pe cea anterioara. Traducerea contine diacritice si este compatibila UTF-8.

Traducerea este disponibilă pe situl meu inclusă în pachetul de limbă (inlocuind traducerea anterioara).


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  • 2 months later...

Cauza este probabil setarea din Windows de auto-ascundere a iconiţelor inactive. Pentru ca iconiţa să nu mai dispară fă clic dreapta pe Bara de Sarcini (Taskbar), adică pe bara din josul ecranului. Apoi în meniu faci clic pe Properties şi lîngă "Hide inactive icons" faci clic pe butonul Customize. În continuare apare un panou unde faci clic pe iconiţa uTorrent şi va apare un meniu în partea dreaptă. Clic pe săgetuţă, apoi clic pe opţiunea "Always show". În final clic pe butoanele OK ca să închizi panourile. De acum iconiţa uTorrent o să fie vizibilă mereu. Dacă vrei să verifici că uTorrent funcţionează fă clic pe Ctrl+Shift+Esc şi va apare o listă cu procesele care rulează în acel moment.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I would like to help translate uTorrent from English to Romanian. I know it's been done by now, but maybe I can help other translators, especially if the new uTorrent version (1.8), that the team is working on at this time, has many new strings.

What should I do ? Where should I go so that I can help ? A link or an explanation would be nice. Thank you and I promise I'll try my best not to dissapoint.

- SoboLAN

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Nu există nici o echipă de traducere, oricum nu e nevoie de aşa ceva pentru că fişierul de limbă nu este foarte mare (dar nu e nici mic) şi poate fi tradus de o singură persoană. Traducerea "oficială" (cea inclusă în pachetul de limbă) e făcută de knekoo, ale cărui detalii le afli făcînd clic pe porecla lui. Traducerea "alternativă" (cea menţionată mai înainte pe acest fir) e făcută de mine.

În general o actualizare nu conţine un număr foarte mare de şiruri noi. E posibil ca 1.8 să conţină 100-200 de şiruri noi, ceea ce nu e mult şi poate fi terminat în maximum 3 ore de o singură persoană.

E interesant totuşi că vrei să traduci. Poate există un alt soft care-ţi place mult şi nu e tradus încă.

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La naiba ca nu stiam ca e permis sa vorbesti in romana pe topic-ul asta...

E pacat ca nu pot sa traduc, vroiam sa contribui si eu cu ceva. Oricum, am ceva timp liber si ma gandeam sa-l umplu si eu cu ceva folositor. Si cum uTorrent e o aplicatie care o folosesc multe ore in fiecare zi, a fost prima care mi-a venit in minte.

Eh, incercarea moarte n-are, nu se supara nimeni. O sa incerc sa gasesc o aplicatie alternativa.

Mersi de raspuns.

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