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My latest project: Send2UTorrent


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Hi, everyone!

Just wanted to share my latest project:


It's a really small windows application that can post a given .torrent file to a uTorrent WebUI running on a specified computer. You can set the computer-name/ip-address, port number and username/password to use.

It's really convenient to associate all .torrent files with this program, so when you double click a .torrent file on your computer, this program will open and automatically post the file to your uTorrent WebUI where it'll start to download.

I've tested this against uTorrent 1.8.1 - I must admit I'm not sure which version of uTorrent WebUI I've got. Where can I see that?

Anyways, hope you like it :-)

Any comments welcome.


Haukur H. Thorsson

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I didn't know about this one, but the description of it sounds really like my program. I think my program might be alot simpler, it doesn't go to the system tray and it does not add the torrents in a stopped state. It just sends the torrent file over to the webUI and then closes. Case closed.


Haukur H. Thorsson

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That one doesn't go into the system tray and it doesn't add the torrents in stopped mode either.

In fact I think it does less then your. Starting it without a torrentfile path as parameters starts the config. Starting it with a torrentfile path as parameter uploads the torrent and unless something goes wrong (error pops up) you don't see or hear anything.

His is also no longer available (except for that link of mine) or developed.

Gonna try out yours when I get the time :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm wondering... does it work for Lord Alderaan's WebUI Shell (which uses frames)?

(Before you post "why didn't you just try?": I know I could just test, but I'm using Linux over a 22k connection ATM and it's near impossible to connect via RDP or VNC to my Windows machine, which is overseas... for at least 36hrs)


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This utility doesn't bother with HTML, so the fact that the WebUI shell wraps the WebUI in frames doesn't affect this utility. As long as the shell is redirecting requests correctly (and I have little doubt it is), then this utility should work perfectly well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@hagur: Is there any chance you'll implement token authentication in this utility? As well, I've noticed a bug. When you select a file to add for the first time, it works fine, but if you try browsing again, the file filter gets screwed up.

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