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Tracker status Hostname not found


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Ok first of all i want you to know I already searched the forum for some informations about my problem, and i found 2-3 topics BUT they didn t respond correctly to it.

I installed µtorrent few days ago. I had Emule for years but i wans t quite satisfied with it. So when somebody asked me if I had µtorrent I just connected me to the site, read some parts of the FaQ, and downloaded it.

so I basically understand how to use it,i don t have any ports problems cos i chequed with my NAT firewall and i opened the port.

I started downloading, and IT IS DOWNLOADING. It seems to work. But there is the little red icon who s showing that there is a problem with the tracker, and the tracker status says Hostname not found.

I tried with several different torrent and I checked that they had different trackers.

Now DON'T send me to the FaQ like you did with the others cause i read the FaQ over and over again, and it simply doesn t help me.

In one of the previous topics you say something about Dns servers, I heard the term somewhere but I don't really know what it is.

The fact is that it is downloading. Not as fast as i would want but it is. And I really don t like red when we are talking about peer to peer.

And all other internet functions ARE working. (firefox...msn...games...etc...)

Could you guys help me?

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Quote from the FaQ

These red icons indicate that µTorrent was not able to reach the tracker. This could happen when the tracker goes offline, becomes overloaded, or when the domain simply doesn't exist anymore. Check Tracker Status on the General tab to see what the exact error message is.

I did: it says Hostname not found. What sould I do with that??? I tried different trackers, and I even have a friend that doesn t have this problem on his computer.

So It must be something with my configuration.

In many cases, seeing this (especially if you see hostname not found in Tracker Status) and having DHT on but still having no peers to connect to may mean that you'll have to find another copy of the torrent on another tracker.

I have peers and seeds, I am downloading. But as I said, I don t like anything that have th color red when we are talking about p2p... :(

In some cases, this is normal because the tracker is overloaded or temporarily down. The torrent itself should keep seeding/downloading as long as you got some peers, and if the tracker comes back up or becomes responsive, you should have no lost ratio so long as you don't close µTorrent or stop the torrent.

So I already know that it isn t the answer to my question. So tell me Firon, what should I do with what the FaQ says? I thank you anyway for trying to help me. It really must be very annoying all these noobs asking for help... like me !!

DreadWingKnight's post is a little bit more helpful tough: i tried browsing to the tracker: doesn t connect to anything, says that it can t connect.

I don't know what a nslookup is, i think i'm gonna search this on Google but so far I didn't find anything that could help me.

And i am not talking about a single tracker, I tried with other torrent with other trackers.

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Ok there we are coming to something !!

What is my IPS's DNS ? what does that mean? how can i know for sure it is that problem? what are the symptoms of that problem? some examples?

i have the ******* NAT firewall and i can t replace it. I had to look at it for two hours only for unlocking the port i am using with µtorrent.

Maybe the problem is in the firewall i don't know. Explain to me only what is the meaning of IPS and DNS and I shall do the rest ( I hope !! )

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So now i am sure that it is my configuration that somewhere screw up something ! open office doesn t work either the hostname isn t found . And the worst is that the other files I tried to download did download, even if these was red, but this one doesn t download at all. I don't have peers nor seeds.

The thing with cleaning my Dns Cache didn t work either.

So what s Up guys? should I take my PC and make it fall from the window?

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I post my Ipconfig in case that would help you.

Primary Dns suffix: ...nothing...

NOD type: Unknown

IP-routing activated: NO

WINS proxy activated: NO

Ethernet card: realtek blablabla...

Physic adress: there is one, i m not showing it here...

DHCP activated: YES

Autoconfiguration activated: YES

IP adress: there is one, and i m not showing it here...

Standard gateway: there is one, and i m not showing it here...

DHCP server: same IP that the standard gateway

DNS server:

you see something wrong here?

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I just had a similar experience.. however it was a dynamic IP on a tracker that didn't get picked up by uTorrent. It affected live torrents (on a private tracker) and i had to restart the application to get them refreshed/working.

i'm wondering if there is/will be support for this type of tracker (the domain's TTL was 300 secs) or what?

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was talking about NAT up there i think: i just disabled the norton's firewall, and suddenly everything went fine blue blue blue.

so because I can t just take off the firewall, i made a rule that the firewall should let everything that want s to go out OUT.

and it works.

BUT i wan t an advice: Is it good to disable this part of the firewall like that? like I said, it s just that now, everything about UDP and TCP have the right to go out on any ports. Is there some security danger about that?

please respond fast.

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Chill. :| You seem to be heavily brainwashed by the paranoid squad. Here's the truth.

No, there isn't a "security danger" by allowing all outgoing ports. Also, you think you're secure behind that POS Norton Firewall? :lol: I know people that can disable that piece of crap and break into your PC within minutes... :/ Nobody is 100% safe on the Internet, but being paranoid about it just makes it worse.

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