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[FAKE] Utorrent


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While seeding i have noticed under Peer list > Client there is a "[FAKE] Utorrent/1500" connected. I guess 1500 is their connection speed but have never seen the [FAKE] prefix on a Utorrent client before. Is this normal or is someone trying to disguise their client? It sought of makes me a bit nervous and would like to get some opinions before i block their ip through my firewall. Thanks.

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the 1500 is the build number not the speed.

if its [fake] in front of it, than it is very likely someone jsut pretends to use a µT client. Its more likely some Bit Comet Axxhole. No nead to be "nervous" about it, but blocking for "cheating client ID" is okay imho.

ip Using [FAKE] Utorrent


His info here insert and my link deleted Maybe i should do better math before complaining DLed MB and % ;-(

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Thats what i thought. I did'nt take a screen shot i just stopped seeding the file. I did however make a note of the ip to block in my firewall and would'nt like to post it on a public forum without the screeny as verification as much as i would like to. Cheers

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Secret handshakes. With µTorrent being closed source, it can initiate a special identifier only other µTorrent clients would recognize. This handshake would only be sent if the other end claimed to be a µTorrent client -- saves bandwidth that way.

A packet-monitoring program could spot the secret handshake, but being it's likely encrypted and time/connection/other properties based -- only µTorrent is likely to generate a legit handshake.

...btw, all this is just a guess. ^.^

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Hi guys,

I have just been banned from a website i use for suposidly using a fake version of utorrent, however this was the 1.5 stable version form the downloads page on the main site. So far i know of 2 people banned for supposidly using the fake version which we all downloaded from utorrent.com

Any ideas?

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yes firon it does work like that!

and nothing you are saying in your attemp to deny it will be successfull! We, the open source believers know that for shure!!

It's closed source(!) so there automaticly MUST be some secret handshake and the sending of data directly in the bohemian grove!

And all the open source guys that demand µT being open source are using it on a modified linux box because they would not run a closed source MS OS as basis for µT ;)

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Reg'ing here solely agree with fisher... I'm banned and scrambling now too man... whats the deal?!?! i have utorrent 1.5, downloaded from the frontpage of this site. as soon as i saw your post above i went through the member list of pwt and saw your nickname. ive posted to the forum there, under 'another disabled account' please join me there in asking them if you're in the same situation as me... i.e. innocent and confused :(


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