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Posts posted by vac2010

  1. While you at uTorrent are "working" on the "uninstall issue" make sure it REALLY takes away ALL files that damn conduit/uTorrentbar leaves in all web browser folders, though I did uninstall it accordingly to your description, such as:

    C:\Documents and Settings\"username"\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\7m92clnf.default\extensions\{jf3295fa-e4b4-3fj2-af3r-9d7596i45bkc}\lib\xpcom.js

    that xpcom.js java script file contains about 100 entries "conduit" in the code doing all kinds of fun, WOW!!! :rolleyes:

    So I am now looking closer into using qBittorrent which I mentioned in an earlier post in this thread, I did also start a new thread at their forum how to migrate unfinished .torrents from uTorrent so if you you like to check out qBittorrent as it is the most feature rich client which is also opensource check out their forum, and again I am not associated with qBittorrent in any way.

    BTW, are you guys now blocking some proxies so we can't post harsh criticism anonymously, thanks but pretty lame and immature move. :rolleyes:

  2. I just logged in to agree with what most have complained over in this thread. :(

    I could have accepted the so called "uTorrent bar" to be added into my browser if it wasn't for the very aggressive way it has been implemented as a true hijacking of the internet browser, a serious company wouldn't make the uninstall procedure so difficult and still leave some code that activates when the browser is opened, highly unethical and this really pulls the triggers.

    Besides registry keys etc as previously mentioned in this thread I had to clean out couple of very suspect java files too which were placed in a folder where the browser puts its own files, this can't be called uninstall when such crap is left!

    I am now going to check in qBittorent, it is a small bittorent client but open source and can be found on SourceForge, also according to the


    this little tiny anonymous torrent client has the widest set of features of all torrent programs and is truly unique and capable after I went through all possible non-add/spy-ware torrent clients and compared on the Wikipedia page, I would recommend everybody look into this torrent client and eventually it could attract maybe even some developers too who could support and make this program become more known and a true favourite free from all kinds of crap, just MHO, I'm not in anyway associated with qBittorent!


    and you can run it on Win/Lin/Mac OS, so I am going to give this one a try.

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