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Posts posted by kiltman67

  1. I've been having problems which I've been unable to find an answer for and since I'm using a WRT54G (v7.00.1) I'm hoping the answer my lie here.

    The problem began while using Azureus and a Linksys BEFWS4, I was finding that when Azureus was running my computer was freezing, the end result being that it had to be rebooted. There seemed at first to be no pattern to when it occured; sometimes within an hour of running it, sometimes after a few hours, sometimes it went a day or so without anything happened.

    Due to other problems with the router I changed to the WRT54G. The problems continued and I assumed it was a problem with Azureus, then perhaps Java JRE, so I made the change to µTorrent hoping that an escape from both Azureus and Java would solve the problem. Instead what I've found is the problem occuring much more often, usually within 2 hours of µTorrent running and happening much more regularly. Over the past day or two I've been giving it more thought and the problem only seems to occur when I'm downloading, it seems fine when I'm only seeding, this may be wrong though, merely a pattern I've noticed in the past couple of days.

    Does this sound like it may be a similar problem to what others are experiencing or is it something else? I'm beginning to run out of alternatives as it doesn't appear to be client specific and doesn't seem to have anything to do with Java.

    Edit: Since I know there can be issues with firewalls, just want to clarify that apart from Windows Firewall I'm not running any software firewalls or virus scanners.

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