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Posts posted by netherlady

  1. blacknightx,

    That's correct my max speed with direct downloads is 32kB/s but with torrent the average speed is 2kB/s sometimes it get to 7kB/s to 15kB/s but that will be my lucky day although it once hit 25kB/s. I am starting to think that my speed problem has something to do with me not connecting to enough seeds and peers ( for instant, my torrent has 162 peers and 9 seeds but I only get connected to 25 peers and 2 seeds and that is the best that it can get.) I've noticed that the more peers and seeds I get connect to the more speed I reach. Anyway, what prevent me from connecting to enough seeds and peers? What is the average peers and seeds for good torrent?

    Thanx for the replay :)

  2. Hey guys, I am having a problem connecting to a decent number of peers and seeders. it is almost impossible for me to connect to a seeder and the only thing I get connect to it a small number of peers. with µTorrent client, i always get disconnected to the net. My µTorrent is always yellow and it takes ages to download or seed small files with a HUGE number of peers and seeders (6 mb for example) and that because the torrent doesn't use my maximum speed. With all theses problems, the torrent only works with me in a SPECIFIC TIME in the day! Only for some hours and NOWAY it is going to work at the rest of the day. It have been months and I used different clients (BitTorrent, Azureus, ABC), I read all the FAQ, examined all the possibilities, called my ISP and they have assured me that they are NOT blocking P2P programs. I don't trust them really so I tried randomizing my port but no luck. One thing I am sure of, I DON'T have a firewall problem and the port I am using is forwarded probably.

    I am using a satellite connection (Saudi Arabia, Orbit SatNet Service, max download speed 256 kbps but I swear I'll change it to 1024 if my torrent will really work T_T) the problem is that I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG! According to the FAQ, my setting seems just fine! I ran out of ideas long time ago T_T

    I chose to post here because I rally DON'T trust my ISP and I believe that they have something to do with my problem. Does anyone know anything about this ISP? Is there anyone with the same ISP as mine? If there is, would you mind helping me T_T or at least identify the problem for me T_T It is almost impossible for me to find someone around me to help. Please! Please!

    since this isn't the help section, please contact me on snaaakeheart@hotmail.com


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