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Posts posted by baldjared

  1. Azureus does it, with no option to turn it off.

    Assuming you mean "send anonymous id and version number" its always been an option in azureus that you can turn off and on, at least it was when i used azureus a year or 2 ago, dont get me wrong I'm not a fan of azureus but the option was always there. :P

    And I'm getting seriously tired of everyone attacking the "paranoid", there is a big difference between being paranoid, which I am quite a bit, and being an idiot that will argue and bitch about everything, regardless of how little they know, when something bothers me I don't feel the need to act like an idiot on online forums, but I am still paranoid and I get tired of hearing everyones badmouthing, I still use µtorrent and will continue to unless I actually see something "bad" happen, I seriously doubt that will ever happen.

    People on this forum seriously need to stop acting like idiot fanboys and throwing around generalizations, you bitch that the "paranoid" people are arguing about things they don't know while us loyal people know just about as little, and are still arguing with them, a little bit hypocritical I think, I consider myself a "fanboy" of µtorrent, but am more often then not disgusted by the elitest attitude of enough of the regulars. and I don't mean just from the posts in this topic it's been going on since µtorrent started, not a good way to keep users or add to your user base by acting like you're better then everyone else.

    Yes people are acting paranoid but that's what people said when others said loki was just gonna take off with the money, not so paranoid were they :lol:, the torrent scene has lost alot of face, faith, and trust in the last year, and the internet seems to become worse and worse everyday so yes people tend to jump the gun, but can you blame them, I think it's less paranoia and more cynicism or pessimism.

    Remember before you flame me, I love and use µtorrent, so don't take one sentence out of context so you can bitch about my opinion, which in reality after re-reading it, isn't about µtorrent at all really, more just a social observation :lol:.

    One last thought, blind faith isn't really any better then being paranoid, especially from an argument/conversation standpoint, and in most cases blind faith is far more dangerous then a little bit of paranoia.

    Thats my deep thought for tonight so I'm done.

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