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Posts posted by bigred

  1. I'm on Win7 Ultimate x64. For the last several versions I've had a consistent problem of torrents telling me that they couldn't access the file as well as the port never being open. Note that this happens a considerable amount of time after I first start utorrent. Anyway, after awhile this begins happening (I later figured out it was typically caused by RSS added torrents). After a few versions with no fix, I finally downgraded to the latest 2.0.1 beta and had the same issue. After another week or so of that, I went back to the last stable version 2.0 (build 18620) and I STILL have the same problem.

    A few days ago, I figured out the actual problem. Somewhere along the lines of upgrades (all auto except for the downgrades), uTorrent started running a second copy of itself on a different user (note that I only have 1 user setup on this computer, but windows task manager required me to check 'Show processes from all users' before the second copy showed up). After killing both and restarting utorrent the problem is fixed. That is until a new download comes in from RSS in which I get yet another copy of utorrent in memory!

    I run utorrent from programfiles(x86) and I have all settings in the folder with uTorrent. There is no utorrent folder in my appdata folder. So why is utorrent allowing two copies to run? Also of note, I've made sure that I have no other copies of utorrent anywhere on the computer. The only executable is located in the programfiles(x86) folder.

  2. I would also like to tack on as another colorblind user that is having a really hard time with the new status icons. I do think it odd that I can replace the toolbar icons and the program icon (though the new RC deleted all of my old bitmaps including these two) but no other set.

  3. bigred: the option implies it will check for updates automatically. It does not imply it will update the program automatically. So no need to rename the feature. But yes I would like to see the program autoupdate too.

    Again, to nitpick, under utorrent preferences>general, the update option there states "Check for updates automatically." Under Preferences>Other the update option says "Auto-update to beta versions." The first obviously states that its automatically checking for updates, while the second states its automatically updating to beta versions. I guess since there is no universal definition to the term "auto-update" but IMO it means, download and install the latest update automatically.

    But since I am the only one who seems to think this, I'll just stand by my second request of a second option to do it all automatically with no dialogs.

  4. To nitpick about the whole auto-update feature:

    Could the auto-update option be renamed to what it actually is? "Notify me on release of new beta versions." And after that's done, could a real auto-update option (meaning no dialogs, it just does it) be made? I am away from my computer for most of the day and always come home to an auto-update dialog and wish it would just do it automatically like it implies.

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