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Posts posted by jassethi2003

  1. I reformatted my System drive and installed µTorrent 1.6.1 instller as there is no instller for version 1.7 available.Immediately on start it gave an option to download and install the new version 1.7.1 build 3360.I selected yes and it downloaded and installed 1.71 build 3360.

    Why not 1.72 build 3458......?

    Also when I am manually going to help-check for updates it is displaying the message that no update is available whereas 1.72 is there on µTorrent home page.Why is this happening to my computer?

    Any help and necessary correction is appreciable.

  2. I'm not sure if anyone have noticed

    Everytime I am starting windows,utorrent is also starting at start up.The option in preferences is not selected.

    utorrent is also not in the start up folder.

    I am observing this in build 1875 and now in this 1952 also.

    I even tried deleting settings and settings.old and restarting,but the behaviour is same.

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