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Posts posted by mrg8472

  1. so this is what i did just a few minutes ago:

    one torrent is finished and downloaded to hdd. added second torrent hashcecked etc... the two torrent file has different filename but their names are the same (i think it comes from their main directory name) hash on the general tab is different. while checking, the torrent file was visible in appdata directory after the check is done the file is moved to the finished directory (Move .torrents for finished jobs to: option is enabled) overriding the previous torrent (both has the same file name in the finished directory). before the second torrent is added and after it is finished i checked the resume.dat and found only one entry to the torrent pointing to the torrent file in the finished directory both times.

  2. it's possible, just add the torrent to utorrent and select the same destination (download) directory where the partially downloaded file is. Only the not completed pieces will be lost.

    And be sure to turn off the options/preferences/when downloading/append .!ut to incompleted files options.

  3. bug: after program restart utorrent removes "duplicated" torrents (torrents has same files and destination in filesystem, but the trackers are different). I really don't want to save files twice in file system (didn't tried that would solve the problem anyway).

    please fix this. (i know several people who don't change to 1.8 because this behavior)


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