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Posts posted by zadigre

  1. @zadigre

    Yes I even uninstalled the whole program using AppZapper, redownloaded the 1.5.2, and installed it.

    Same problem, even with "Downloads" set as default folder in uTorrent's settings.

    #Eligos has the same problem it seems.

    I don't know how AppZapper works exactly when it deletes all traces of a program...

    so are you sure that it deleted the settings.dat file in ~/Library/Application Support/uTorrent/ ?

  2. So does anyone else have a problem with uTorrent 1.5.2 storing all downloads in Application Support folder?

    I also have duplicate folders like these:

    "Bittorrent+download+(year)" and "Bittorrent download (year)"

    I hope this will be fixed in 1.5 stable

    Yes' date=' same problem here.[/quote']

    Works fine for me... Did you try to remove your settings files and reconfigure utorrent

  3. We've also added some hidden preferences for advanced users, which contain almost all the advanced settings from the Windows client. Press Cmd + Opt + , to access them.

    this combination key does not work with a French Canadian (CSA) keyboard...

    If I switch my keyboard to US, it works fine...

    So I think you should definitively change this combination to something else... Cmd + Opt is fine... the problem is with the ,

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