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Posts posted by FreddieM

  1. I have the following problems with the tray icon [25406]:


    I have

    close to tray - on

    single click on tray... - on

    always activate when clicked - off


    When I first start uT' date=' it always show the program window, regardless of how it was when I closed it last time. Then if I close the window (and send it to the tray), clicking on the tray icon doesn't work. The windows doesn't show. I have to use right click > hide/show uT. After I do this once, the tray icon starts working normally. This behaviour has been there for sometime now.

    Another problem is that sometimes the program window pops up in restored state instead of maximized (I always keep it maximized). It's slightly bigger than maximized when this happens. this has been going on for a few days, but it looks random, so I'm not sure how to reproduce it or even if it happens with the latest build.

    Here another user is reporting the same problem:


    Windows 7 x64, SP1

    I'm the one who was reporting the similar problem, but as I mentioned on my previous post, after installing the latest version the problem is gone [for me at least]. I did nothing to the settings before and after updating. Maybe try fresh install? [backup all your settings first of course].

    I have the same problem on fresh installation. The program window after a long not use - does not open the tray.

    Windows 7 SP1 32bit

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