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  1. Okay straight up, screw you utorrent. I'm done. And i'm finding an alternative. I tried to use the stupid program you suggested and all it does is a WHOLE LOT OF NOTHING!!! That's right, it just pissed me off. So have a nice death utorrent, and the alternative will probably be better anyways. OH!! And I checked a security site and it said that utorrent has an EXTREMELY low rating because it's super high in spyware and malware... nice.
  2. Also, why don't you just stop telling us that we could've stopped the installation, and tell us how to get rid of the f****** toolbar??! I honestly think that's a legit question.
  3. YEAH RIGHT. I made an account solely to say that the new toolbar is bullshit and this "box with the options you can check or uncheck" NEVER popped up on my computer. The only thing that popped up on my computer was would I like to update when I first turned on my computer. And I said NO... Seriously utorrent, get it together!!
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