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Posts posted by levak

  1. @levak: Known problem. For automatic catching of feed items, that'll need to be fixed from the backend. As far as manual adding of feed items goes, it can be at least partially fixed from WebUI by having it append the feed's cookie string to each URL (details are vastly simplified; it's annoying to add in a technically correct manner).

    Thanks for the info... I hope it will be fixed in the coming future, since that is what keeps me from moving to Torrent Server... And of course, stable release of the client so it will get white-listed on the trackers:)

  2. I'm having troubles with WebUI when I use RSS.

    I'm using a private tracker, that has the RSS url like:


    - that is what I get on their web page....

    If I check the URL in uTorrent, it looks a bit different:


    The problem is, no matter which one I copy to RSS feed in WebUI, I get the feed, but when I try to download a torrent, nothing happens. It downloads a "torrent" file, but when I open it, there is only HTML in that .torrent file saying that I must be logged to access that page. It looks like session cookie isn't send to the web page...

    Is that a known error or not?

    Does someone have a solution?

    Thanks, Matej

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