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Posts posted by dubnium

  1. ciao, i did not see sonia disparaging skype's developers specifically.

    gc, in that case, if you're up for a little experimentation, i would suggest backing up your resume.dat file, then removing the finished torrents from the list and measuring how much time 2.2.1 and 1.8 take to shut down. also, when you said "hours", did you mean literally hours?

  2. gc, if you have 5000 torrents and utorrent closes in seconds then it is most assuredly not closing correctly. it takes time to properly notify the tracker that you have stopped leecing/seeding. that said, it definitely shouldn't take hours to close, and in my case (2.2.1) it doesn't - at most it shuts down in 30 seconds.

  3. Using version 2.2.1 (25302)

    Why it's good? Well, let's see:

    • Stable
    • No disk I/O and caching issues
    • No ads
    • No social features
    • No streaming features
    • No multimedia features
    • No anti-virus integration
    • Clean and fast UI:

    1. It is considerably more responsive without visible delay
    2. Search engine field that CAN BE hidden (while on that topic — every sane person expects this field to be used for filtering existing torrents and does not expect it to perform external web search)
    3. Narrower rows in the main list. More information fits on the screen as a result
    4. No comment/rating tabs (that don't go away even when you explicitly turn them off)
    5. No dialog window that ask you to rate every single torrent you delete (while ratings has been explicitly turned off)

      One problem that 2.2.1 has is "Apps" which you can not turn off, uTorrent keeps creating directories at every restart (at least App Pane can be hidden). And one minor annoyance is Find Content Pane (luckily can be hidden as well).
      this really cannot be quoted enough. major version 3 has literally no features that would entice me to update, and a lot of bloat that actively discourages updating. i also fail to be intimidated by tales of exploits in 2.2.1, considering how nearly every 3.x release had critical bugs in it - if anything, i think 2.2.1 is safer than any 3.x version.
      i like what you said about multithreaded I/O in an upcoming release, but until 3.x performs at least as well as 2.2.1 with the as much or less bloat, i'm not updating. if an opensource client that lets me import my torrents from utorrent comes along before then i'll probably jump ship.
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