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Posts posted by 3ws

  1. Thanks, mfrazzz. I'm away for the next few days so won't have a chance to do what you suggested until next week. I'll post back then.

    Out of interest, which file should I download from the link you included? Also, how do I use chown? I should have said that I'm a ubuntu noob!


  2. Thanks, mfrazzz. My version of the webui doesn't have that icon. In fact the icons don't look anything like that, which is why I think I'm using an older webui. I've taken a screenshot but don't know how to include it in this message.

    Any other ideas?


  3. I've spent the last seven hours trying to find the solution to an RSS problem I'm having. In hindsight, it probably would have been better to ask for help sooner.

    So, I'm trying to set up an RSS feed. I've added the feed OK, now I'm trying to set the filters to tell utorrent which shows from the feed to download. The problem is I can't find the RSS downloader. As I said, I've tried searching the forum for the answer, but because I don't know what the problem is I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

    I run utserver, open Firefox and go to http://localhost:8080/gui/. I log in using username=admin, the password is blank. Once loaded, nowhere can I see an icon for RSS downloader. I've tried right-clicking, but just get the usual browser context menu options e.g. back, forward, reload. I think I read somewhere that CTRL+R opens the downloader. When I try all that happens is the browser reloads.

    What I did spot during my search of the forums is that the layout/design of the server doesn't look like the screenshots I have seen. I'm not sure how to add images to the post, but my browser has a banner at the tops that looks like the banner at the top of this web page - it's the same colour, has the same logo.

    Any suggestions? Could I be using an old version of the webui? How do I check which version I am using?

    Here's my setup

    uTorrent Server Product Version 3.0 - Source Revision 27079

    Ubuntu 10.04

    Firefox 7.0.1

    Thanks in advance.

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