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Posts posted by mcramer

  1. I saw the same thing yesterday with 458. The torrent stopped downloading with 99.9% completed and most of the pieces showing 140+ out of 128 downloaded. I stopped the torrent and it jumped straight to 100%, it had sat in this unfinished state for half an hour.

  2. I'm downloading the fifth part of a 6 part series and the first four downloaded fine. So I don't *think* it's a poisoned torrent, and I'm using an up to date ipfilter.dat. It's a pity the logger doesn't list the peer the failed piece was from.

    Though the log window does list Banned, and I'm up to 8 hashfails in 10.5 hours.

  3. I just tried the test torrent with uT417, and I'm connecting to both seeds and 2 of 4 peers, all showing HXE, one peer showed e for a while, then dropped off.

    On other torrents, I've seen a lot of peers repeatedly appear and disappear rapidly in the peers tab. I had Allow legacy incoming connections ticked. Has anyone else noticed this?

    BTW, on the General tab, why do Seeds and Peers show things like '5 of 10 connected (15 in swarm)' or '5 of 15 connected (10 in swarm)' ? Are the 'swarm' figures what the tracker is returning and peers located through DHT and PEX accounting for the extra five in the second case? With the test torrent why do both show '0 in swarm', is the tracker not handing out peers?


  4. Rafi,

    Not wishing to state the obvious, but you have clicked on the actual '#' above the list of numbers in the download queue haven't you? If the queue is sorted by title (by clicking on 'Name') or any of the other fields, then the queue *display* won't re-sort when you use ctrl-up/down, but the order that torrents download will.


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