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Posts posted by geomac

  1. This might be a fix. Although I've been living with yellow/red connection light for a couple of days, I decided to try a few things. So far this fix has given me the green 'connection working' light longer than any othe fix since friday when Iinstalled the Mac 9.1 update to utorrent.

    I turned off automatic map port in utorrent network preferences. Quit utorrent. restart mac AND router. Open utorrent and turn on Automatically map button in utorrent network preferences. Quit utorrent. Relaunch utorrent.

    Well, I just checked, and yellow light is on again. Connection seems solid, though.

    I have my upload set to auto speed. It's uploading at full blast - 51kb/sec (max on my adsl connection) and Dloading at between 10 and 20kb/sec (which is ok considering I'm dl-ing some barely seeded torrents.

    I hope there is a fix for this. I don't seem to notice any difference in the GUI of my vers .91

    Is this a Mac and Windows bug in new version?

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