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Posts posted by spx

  1. I just came here to say how much i hate "Create a subfolder" option

    µ probably thinks it's the most goddamn smart program ever, and can create tons of subfolders for same files, which are just used by different trackers. WELL NOT, µ, U AIN'T!

    Why can't there be an option to remove the check to create folders 'by default' or not?

    And when you use Advanced->Set Download Location, it's even worse... It just completely fucks up everything and getting you lost in all those names which you need to change, creating dozens of subfolders, if you for example seed same files on different trackers... that's just insane, i have to manually delete torrents, find .torrent files from that task, and readd it JUST to be able to choose a preferred download folder.

    It's bizarre, and that's probably the worst thing which happened to µTorrent since release.

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