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Posts posted by lusus

  1. Hi:

    I use utorrent since some months ago, and I'm very happy with this software. Now I'm using 1.8.5.

    I have a question about the option "Enable bandwidth management" in utorrent 2.0.

    I will explain my case: I like to use always all the available bandwidth (250 KB/s) of my connection to upload on ed2k and BT networks. Normally emule is using nearly all the available bandwidth (250 KB/s) because utorrent is not uploading any files, but when utorrent is uploading "at the maximum" and emule is uploading "at the maximum" too, utorrent uses 2 / 3 of the upstream bandwidth (166-167 KB/s) and emule 1 / 3 (83-84 KB/s). I'm a user of private trackers with ratio limits, so I would like even that utorrent used more upload bandwidth when bot are uploading "at the maximum".

    The ideal for me would be that, by setting higher limits both on emule and utorrent 250-260 KB/s (all upstream bandwidth), utorrent used almost 250 KB/s if needed, and, if not, emule used all the bandwidth to upload.

    So, with utorrent 2.0, with "Enable bandwidth management" activated, would I upload at less speed when utorrent is in "competition" with emule? If it's not activated, would it be like in utorrent 1.8.5 (2/3 for utorrent, 1/3 for emule "in competition")?


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