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Posts posted by tylerrobb

  1. I have two issues. My first issue is that I am on a college campus so connecting to trackers used to pose a problem for me. I was able to subvert the simple filtering by spoofing a user agent header and connect to both HTTP and HTTPS trackers perfectly fine. To do this, I utilized ProActive Webfilter as a localhost proxy: http://paw-project.sourceforge.net/ Once I had placed the different user agent into ProActive Webfilter, I configured my uTorrent to use a HTTP proxy with address 'localhost' on port '8080' which worked perfectly fine for awhile.

    When I switched from 2.0 stable to 2.1 alpha build 18304 I was presented with a new error. The error I was presented with keeps my HTTPS trackers from connecting. The HTTP trackers are working perfectly fine but the HTTPS trackers seem to be the only ones having problems.

    The error message is as follows:

    Could not establish a secure connection. Error -2146893048

    I understand that I could easily switch back to the previous stable version of uTorrent (as the client might be causing the problem) but can anyone explain this error? I've researched the forums and googled around for some answers. The only vague tip that I could figure out is that it DID have to do with HTTPS connections and proxy servers.

    Thanks for looking at my issue.

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