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Posts posted by zoobak33j

  1. I got same error in a different browser (firefox 5)

    Btw, I tried this on the computer on which utorrent is installed. Since I don't have another computer I could not do that.

    Also, will this webui be iPad compatible? Will be abe to manage utorrent from iPad using webui?

    EDIT : I have setup port forwarding using static ip. In utorrent I have entered that port. One weird thing I noticed in 1.5 beta is that whenever I restart the app, the port keeps resetting to a random port in utorrent preferences even though I have unchecked randomizing port option.

  2. ~/Library/Application Support/uTorrent

    I d/l the latest 1.5 beta. Installed it. Copied the July 2 webui zip file. Renamed it to webui.zip. Copied it to the above mentioned path. Opened utorrent. Enabled webui in preferences. Gave it username,password.

    Tried accessing using address ipaddress:port/GUI. Then I got the error message that webui was not installed.

    I restarted the app. Retried.same error.

    I am using OSX lion final version.

    Edit - did not ask me for user, passwd. Here is screen shot of error message http://db.tt/Wzot5iL


  3. Can anyone help me setup webui in macintosh?

    Also, after install ing webui, can I access from iPad?

    If yes, how?

    Kindly help as I am unable to find the appropriate links for this.

    it is very easy with Transmission client as I don't need to install anything on either the mac or the iPad. It just works. I don't know why it's so complicated with utorrent webui.

    I just want access over my local wifi.

  4. As expected utorrent 1.0.2 has some issues in OSX 10.7 Lion.

    One weird bug is the download speeds get stuck at a particular speed (10 kb/s in some torrents)

    During this scenario, When I try to quit the app, I am unable to do so. I am forced to quit the app through activity monitor.

    I have to restart the app in order to resume downloading that torrent at full speed.

    Weirdly, this speed issue affects only some torrents. In my case it's a 18 gb torrent from a private tracker.

    I never had this issue on Snow Leopard.

    I hope the developers investigate this issue.

    NOTE - I know the developers have limited time & I have no right to complain about a free app, but I hope the developers consider releasing a version 1.0.3 which is compatible with Lion and it does not need to have the new features of 1.5 beta.

    I know it's not the developers problem but the private trackers do not allow beta clients and it would be nice to have a stable client compatible with Lion as soon as possible.

  5. As expected utorrent 1.0.2 has some issues in OSX 10.7 Lion.

    One weird bug is the download speeds get stuck at a particular speed (10 kb/s in some torrents)

    I have to restart the app in order to resume downloading that torrent at full speed.

    Weirdly, this speed issue affects only some torrents.

    I hope the developers investigate this issue.

  6. With the release of Lion next month, will this delay the release of the next stable version of utorrent?

    Also, I am assuming that a Lion compatible version will take some time?

    Can the developers give us any indication that they are indeed working on Lion compatibility or will that work only start after Lion is officially released to the general public?

    Utorrent compatibility with Lion is going to be of critical importance to me as to when I upgrade to Lion.

    UTorrent STABLE Version of mac client is the only client that is universally white-listed in all major private trackers. I can't do without utorrent on mac!! :)

    Edit : I hope to expedite matters, the developers consider releasing a minor update to the latest stable version without any new features that just makes it compatible with Lion so that Lion users can at least hope that it does not crash on Lion

  7. I have 2 queries :-

    1) Will 1.1 beta get a 1.1 stable version or will the next stable version go from 1.0.2 to 1.5? i.e. will there be a stable 1.1 version?

    The reason I am asking this is most private torrent sites do not allow beta versions. so, I am stuck at 1.0.2 stable version.

    I was hoping that 1.1 beta will go stable.

    Now, this 1.5 beta has been released. Does this mean we will have to wait at-least a month before we get another stable version?

    2) Also, was this 1.5 beta optimized for the developer preview build of Lion OSX 10.7?

  8. I have 2 queries :-

    1) Will 1.1 beta get a 1.1 stable version or will the next stable version go from 1.0.2 to 1.5? i.e. will there be a stable 1.1 version?

    The reason I am asking this is most private torrent sites do not allow beta versions. so, I am stuck at 1.0.2 stable version.

    I was hoping that 1.1 beta will go stable.

    Now, this 1.5 beta has been released. Does this mean we will have to wait at-least a month before we get another stable version?

    2) Also, was this 1.5 beta optimized for the developer preview build of Lion OSX 10.7?

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