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Posts posted by MakeMyDay

  1. First of all let me say: GREAT GUIDE. I went from 40kb down to 500kb. I think this guide helps most of all the really fast connections.

    Now my question: I have a really really fast connection , I don't know the exact values because I am connected to larger VPN that is connected more or less directly to a big backbone. I currently have used the script to generate value for a upload/download of 5000kb/sec or 40mbit.

    I am just wondering if I should modify something because using such high values in your formulas generates very very high numbers . Are those still "optimal"?

    I am currently downloadig at 500kb/sec and uploading at 1mb/sec . While 500kb/sec is in no way bad , I am just wondering if there is something more I can get considering my maximum speeds.

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