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Posts posted by anund

  1. The shutdown/hibernate feature is a great idea, but as mentioned it functions poorly. I Prefer hibernation, so I tried to use that. Nothing happened. Not when the download was finished and not when the seeding was finished. I really like the idea, so of course I would like it to be fixed. And perhaps given a button in the toolbar to switch it on and off with.

    Personally, I would have prefered per tracker settings long before download bars. I don't see any real use for the bars, but per tracker settings would be very handy. For instance, I want to have DHT enabled for all new torrents. But I can't, since I download from some private trackers that don't use the private flag in torrents. So now when I download a torrent from a private tracker, I have do check that DHT isn't enabled, perhaps adjust the seeding goal, and mark it with the correct label. All of which could have been done with per tracker settings.

    Oh, and the RSS-downloader could use some more settings. As an example, I download every episode of Prison Break. For a couple of weeks, a screener was released long before the HDTV version. I didn't want the screener. But what could I do when it was downloaded? If I reset, it would download every episode it could find. If I did nothing, it wont download the HDTV version of the same episode. I would like to choose which episode to start from.

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