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Posts posted by a44

  1. dubaimax, you having the same 1 ISP problem? Well, sometimes my speed could jump up to 20, 30 or even 40kBps on a good torrent. But most of the time it stays below or around 5 kBps. Some torrents even refuse to work. I can connect to peers and send out requests, but the peers aren't sending anything.

    I hope they find some way to bypass this soon. Then it'll be an arms race, with the ISPs fighting against ever more powerful encryption. Then it'll be too expensive and they'd throw in the towel.

    That's the ideal scenario for me. After all, it costs a lot more for them to find better packet inspectors then for developers to improve encryption(am i right?).

    Well, either that, or someone crashes a plane into the ISP's HQ leaving more room for other more reasonable ISPs to fill the void. Seriously, everytime a torrent refuses to work, I feel increasingly tempted to do it myself :mad:

    BTW, Limewire IS p2p. But it kinds sucks hard compared to BT in terms of content and reliability, not to mention security.

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