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Posts posted by MRoninS

  1. Wow your guide is the most helpful so far out of all that I have read. Right now my only confusion, and this is mainly because I am stubborn, is how many upload slots per torrent. I wonder if its better for the health of a torrent to give a smaller group 5 each or is it better to give a larger group 1 each... so this is just an opinion thing I am guessing.

    Also, I run two seeds at a time.

    I have issues when I simultaneously run a seed with many peers and many seeders + a seed with only me seeding and a few peers. The seed that has more traffic always seems to get the bandwidth and the one where I am the only seeder, will get 1 if anything and its in a very broken pattern that makes me feel bad and want to stop the other seed until they fill their goal.

    I have yet to try seeding one at a time though.

    once again, thank you so much for the guide.


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