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uTorrent constantly sends/receives data


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I noticed this happening a while back, when looking at my data quota for the month. Something wasn't quite right. The downloads registered was well above what they should be.

At first I thought someone tapped into my wireless, so i checked the logs and found nothing there. Just to make sure though I shut down the wireless ap.

Then I noticed that while i was seeding a number of torrents, in the download speed meter at the bottom of utorrent, I noticed this wasn't at 0k/s, but fluctuating from 1k-5k/s. I'm suprised so much data is sent just by seeding.

Next step was to select all the torrents, and hit stop. To my suprise, uTorrent was still sending/receiving a considerable amount of data!

The final idea was to remove all the torrents from the list completely. This worked to a certain degree, uTorrent was STILL sending/receiving data... but it was down to around 0.5k/s

Is this a normal thing with torrent programs ??? Is there a way around this ? My internet plan has a set limit before I get throtlled to an ungodly speed. So would appreciate any help in this matter.


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You were seeing peer communication and protocol overhead. Seeing download rates while uploading is normal because of this. DHT also adds overhead, even if you're not transferring any torrent, so if you want that to stop, you're going to have to disable DHT.

Other things you might want to try to lower overhead:

- decrease the number of connections µTorrent can make

- try disabling PEX; it'll save some bandwidth, though you might have access to less peers (initially anyway)

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