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Arabic with web UI


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Hello. I'm using web UI for utorrent and when I add a torrent file webUI does not add it. The torrent name was in Arabic and I renamed it to English and could not load it in webUI although none of the file names is in arabic. Then when I tried to run the torrent computer on my local drive I realized that it asks to create an Arabic folder, could that be the problem?

If so how can I fix that and change that with webUI.

Thanks in advance

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Exactly what do you mean when you say "that it asks to create an Arabic folder"? In what way is the behavior different for this particular torrent than it is for any regular torrent?

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First of all, Thank you for the reply. You see. When someone creates a torrent file he chooses the folder that has the files. In my case the person who created his torrent file had his files in a folder that has an Arabic name. When we download that torrent file and open it, Utorrent will ask us where to download the files ie destination for our downloads, but by default it chooses the same folder that the uploader has and hen we can change it. If we decide to keep it then it will get created. With webUI we can not specify the name of the folder that we want as the destination for our downloads. I mean we can't choose where to save files when we open new torrent file in web UI hence it chooses the default folder that the uploader had and that folder in my case is named in Arabic so I can not add it to my torrents in webui. hope that explains it

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So how come when I add that file only through web UI it does not ad it and I'm not alone. I can give you the torrent file and you can try if you want. The file names are all numbers so I dont think that there is a problem there. The only problem is the default folder where the files are suppose to be downloaded

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