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New upload from seed causes all other torrent activity to stop (2.0.4)


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Apologies if this is in the wrong place.

Here's the situation, which may be a little unique...

I download mainly from a couple of private trackers, one of which is Internet based and the other is LAN based. Typically, there are quite small numbers of peers, especially on the LAN connection, usually only one person downloading from any given seed and more often than not, only one active download. There are also very small swarms, typically only around 10 or 12 individuals.

For the most part everything works very well. both download and upload speeds are what I'd expect, however, there is one major problem. Whenever a new download is initiated from one of my seeds, from a peer on the LAN, all other torrent activity stops completely. If I stop and restart uTorrent, everything resumes as normal, but only for a minute or two, then all activity stops again.

For some reason, any download from one of my seeds to the LAN, always completely overrides the maximum upload value I have specified. For example, my settings are based n the 'Conservative Settings Chart' and I have set my maximum upload rate to 400kB/s (based on a 5 Mbit maximum upload) When a LAN torrent download starts, it typically reaches 5+ Mb very quickly and I assume this has something to do with why everything else stops?

Any help would be appreciated.

P.S. I did think about running two separate instances of the client, one for LAN and one for Internet, would this be the right way to go, of are there any additional configuration options to try?


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1. EVERYTHING you've tried so far:

Tried numerous settings related to Bandwidth and Queueing.

2. The state/value of all of the options you were recommended to change up above.

No settings have been recommended.

3. Colour of the network status light in µTorrent's status bar (at the bottom of the µTorrent main window)


4. What the port checker from the Speed Guide writes

The Set-up guide has always been extremely intermittent for me and in fact hasn't worked at all for the last few weeks. This has been tested with a clean installation of Windows 7 with only uTorrent installed. No security software, no router, just a direct connection to the Internet.

I assume this may be due to the fact there are no 'test' servers anywhere near me.

5. What the Speed Guide shows your settings to be (press Ctrl+G in µTorrent)

See above.

6. What you have net.max_halfopen set to (Preferences > Advanced in µTorrent), and if you ever modified TCPIP.sys, what you patched the limit to

Does not apply. I'm using Windows 7.

7. Operating system installed (Windows XP, 2000, ME, 98, 95, NT? Something else?)

Windows 7 Ultimate.

8. Security software installed (firewall, antivirus, antispyware, antiadware)

Tested without any additional security software and windows firewall disabled.

9.Exact router model(s), and exact modem model

Asus WL500GLPv2 with custom firmware. uTorrent tested in the absence of the router. There is no modem the router connects directly to the Internet.

10.ISP (Internet Service Provider) being used


11. Connection type (DSL, cable, dial-up), and the results obtained from the speed test (when running the Speed Guide),

Direct cable connection. As noted above, the Set-up guide doesn't work at present. However, running tests on speedtest.net gives me the following average speeds:

Download: 5Mbit/s

Upload: 5Mbit/s

Yes, upload and download speeds are the same.

12. Basic computer hardware specifications (motherboard and/or chipset, CPU, RAM, drive type, etc.)

Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3R

Intel Core Duo E8400

4Gb DDR2 800

1x500GB WD5000AAKs

3x1TB Samsung Spinpoint F3

ATI 5770 1GB

Corsair AX850 Power supply

Not over-clocked.

Essentially, the maximum upload rate, as specified in the Bandwidth preferences page, is ignored when a download is initiated from a seeded torrent, to a client on the LAN tracker. This causes all torrent activity to stop until uTorrent is restarted. Following a restart, uTorrent operates correctly for a short period of time, before once again ceasing all activity.

The maximum upload rate is observed when seeding to Internet tracker clients.

Edit: Added a graph to demonstrate the problem. You will notice that in addition to the sudden cessation of torrent activity, the status bar displays an upload rate of 450K, however, the actual upload rate is somewhat higher (first image)

In the second image, which follows a restart of uTorrent, you can see the actual upload rate is now within the specified upload rate.

In the first image you can see what happens when a download from one of my seeded torrents, to a LAN peer, occurs. In the second image the uploads are all to Internet peers.



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