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don't have enough permission error?????

mrs alison

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I just had a similar problem.

My downloads are saved to an external hard drive, and I had several downloads going.

I had paused the downloads and dismounted the external drive.

When I remounted the external drive, uTorrent claimed that I no longer had permissions to the location.


To make a long story short--OSX(10.9.3) had renamed the drive (adding " 1", minus the quotes, to the original name).

OSX usually does this automatic renaming when it believes there is a conflict with an existing name.

In my case, rebooting my macbook allowed it to "clear its head" of the confusion and the drive mounted

with the right name. Voila! uTorrent can write files to the drive again.


So, while you are looking at the drive properties, double-check the name to see if something extra is tacked on the end.

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