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Posts posted by Gunnii

  1. issue: unable to change priority on files within a torrent.

    chrome canary (latest): FAIL (Google Chrome 7.0.524.0 (Official Build 59341) canary build)

    chrome: WORKS (Google Chrome 6.0.472.59 (Official Build 59126))

    firefox 3.6: WORKS

    you might be using some feature in a wrong way, youtube had the same problem a few days ago where they were using some feature in a wrong way causing it not to work.



  2. issues that i have noticed:

    • config file does not seem to load, even if i put errors in it the webinterface always launches with zero settings. (webui port seems to stick though (which i set when i launched the webui earlier)).

    • torrent > files list is there, but the % on the files is wrong (example torrent with one file, completed 100% but in files it says 94.2% done)

    • "4 of 210 connected (¿? in swarm)" wtf

    othervise perfect, but yes well i need the settings to work for me to be able to use it properly...

  3. for me it seems like my config file won't load' date=' even if i put junk in it...

    this is what i have so far [url']http://codepad.org/KgP6LicD

    You need to include a colon between the setting name and its value.


    i'm gonna be testing that after this download completes.

    Also, if i change stuff in the webui, and then ctrl+c the process all of the changed settings seem to be gone when i start it again.

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