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Everything posted by Cows

  1. This is the new version of Cows Optimized Values. http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=250457 This one is also converted from c++ to c. #include <stdio.h> void normalBandwidth(); void highBandwidth(); int downloadSpeed; int uploadSpeed; int main() { printf("/*****************************\n"); printf("* Cows optimized values 2 *\n"); printf("* By Jonathan Vasquez *\n"); printf("* Converted from C++ to C *\n"); printf("******************************\n\n"); printf("Enter your download speed: "); scanf("%d",&downloadSpeed); printf("Enter your upload speed: "); scanf("%d",&uploadSpeed); printf("\n"); printf("Your (Download/Upload) speed is %d / %d\n",downloadSpeed,uploadSpeed); printf("Global maximum number of connections: %d\n\n",uploadSpeed); normalBandwidth(); highBandwidth(); return 0; } void normalBandwidth() { int globalUploadRate = ( float ) uploadSpeed / 10 * .80; int numberUploadSlots = globalUploadRate / 4; printf("Normal Bandwidth Users\n"); printf("----------------------\n\n"); printf("Normal bandwidth global maximum upload rate: %d\n",globalUploadRate); printf("Normal bandwidth number of upload slots per torrent: %d\n\n",numberUploadSlots); } void highBandwidth() { int oGlobalUploadRate = ( float ) uploadSpeed / 8 * .85; int oNumberUploadSlots = oGlobalUploadRate / 4; printf("High Bandwidth Users\n"); printf("----------------------\n\n"); printf("High bandwidth global maximum upload rate: %d\n",oGlobalUploadRate); printf("High bandwidth number of upload slots per torrent: %d\n\n",oNumberUploadSlots); }
  2. I just registered to post my new program that I made. This program will get all the values for you. It will display both the Normal bandwidth values and also the values for High bandwidth. BTW the script in the mini-guide isn't working. Cows optimized values: - Cows optimized values.exe - bin for win32. - Cows optimized values.cpp - source code. http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=245835 Source Code: #include <iostream> void normalBandwidth(); void highBandwidth(); int downloadSpeed = 0; int uploadSpeed = 0; int main() { system("cls"); std::cout << "/*****************************\n"; std::cout << "* Cows optimized values *\n"; std::cout << "* By Jonathan Vasquez *\n"; std::cout << "* Credits go to 1c3d0g *\n"; std::cout << "* http://forum.utorrent.com/ *\n"; std::cout << "******************************\n\n"; std::cout << "Enter your download speed: "; std::cin >> downloadSpeed; std::cout << "Enter your upload speed: "; std::cin >> uploadSpeed; std::cout << "\n"; std::cout << "Your (Download/Upload) speed is " << downloadSpeed << "/" << uploadSpeed << "\n"; std::cout << "Global maximum number of connections: " << uploadSpeed << "\n\n"; normalBandwidth(); highBandwidth(); std::cin.get(); return 0; } void normalBandwidth() { float globalUploadRate = uploadSpeed / 10 * .80; float numberUploadSlots = globalUploadRate / 4; std::cout << "Normal Bandwidth Users\n"; std::cout << "----------------------\n\n"; std::cout << "Normal bandwidth global maximum upload rate: " << globalUploadRate << "\n"; std::cout << "Normal bandwidth number of upload slots per torrent: " << numberUploadSlots << "\n\n"; } void highBandwidth() { float oGlobalUploadRate = uploadSpeed / 8 * .85; float oNumberUploadSlots = oGlobalUploadRate / 4; std::cout << "High Bandwidth Users\n"; std::cout << "----------------------\n\n"; std::cout << "High bandwidth global maximum upload rate: " << oGlobalUploadRate << "\n"; std::cout << "High bandwidth number of upload slots per torrent: " << oNumberUploadSlots << "\n\n"; } PS: The program doesn't round the values. Just round them yourself =].
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