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Posts posted by joval

  1. I thought that the survey bug was solved, but it just keeps rearing its ugly head (WinXP/SP3) running version 22150. As I posted somewhere else... just get rid of the code which places the survey link!!!! If you want to tell us to do a survey, use the status bar!!!! Leave working features alone.

  2. Hi,

    Sorry for the late entry, but have not had time to get into the forums lately... anyhow, I would like to participate in this beta test... have been downloading torrents for years with just about every client put out. I have been using uTorrent just about since it became public, removing all others shortly afterwards, and am interested in this client's development.

    * Upload 100Gb/Month (Average) during the last year.

    * As a software developer (C,C++,Perl,PHP,etc.) and can really bring insight into debugging process

    * Currently developing (X|)HTML custom application for work.

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