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  1. Tja...ist ja die Frage, ob man das jetzt unbedingt "Hardcore" uebersetzen muss so wie es die Franzosen tun (da wird auch der letzte Fachbegriff noch uebersetzt)

    Selbst der letzte DAU sollte doch wenigstens wissen was Up-/Download, File, Directory etc. bedeutet. Jedes Gebiet hat seine Fachsprache und das sollte man akzeptieren.

    Geh mal davon aus, dass allein schon vom Kopfverhaeltnis her ueber 95% aller Software von Nichtdeutschen geschrieben wird. Also liegt es meiner Ansicht nach im Interesse des Users, sich zumindest mit einem Grundstamm an Fachbegriffen vertraut zu machen

    Stellt Euch mal die Alternative vor...alle Aerzte und Wissenschaftler wuerden ploetzlich verstaendliches Deutsch sprechen...dass waere ja schrecklich :D :D :D

    Wie istrebitjel schon ganz richtig sagt: Deutsch ist eine lange Sprache.

    Beim Versuch, alles bis auf's i-Tuepfelchen genau auszudruecken, schreibt man Romane, wo andere Sprachen spielend mit einer Hand voll Worte auskommt.

    zu Torrero: (dies soll keine Kritik an Deiner Arbeit sein..nur einfach meine Gedanken dazu)

    c'mon....sagst Du wirklich im allgemeinen Tagesgebrauch "Sprache der Anwenderschnittstelle"? :D :D das ist ja wie beim Einwohnermeldeamt.

    Selbstverstaendlich ist Anwenderschnittstelle eine voellig legitime Uebersetzung fuer UI, aber Sinn und Zweck ist doch ein kurzer Hinweis auf evtl. stattfindende Aktionen, und nicht eine (mir schon hier in den Staaten so verhasste) political correctness

    C&onfirm when deleting data

    Beim Löschen von Daten &bestätigen

    ----------------------Da bin ich überfragt. Könnte es nicht vielleicht auch heissen Bestätige, wenn Daten gelöscht werden oder Bestätige, sobald Daten gelöscht werden

    Daraus wuerde ich machen:

    Beim Löschen von Daten &nachfragen

    wir kriegen das schon noch auf die Reihe ;)


  2. The file still contains some mistakes, like beim laden (should be beim Laden), beim berechnen (beim Berechnen). Default is often translated as Standard, instesd of Vorgabe.

    And Speicherplatz should be Speicherort, Voll Rate (should be Maximum),

    Exit (should be Beenden instead of Schliessen), Confirmation Messages (Bestätigungsnachrichten).

    Furthermore, Prioritize torrents with....(and other) are when/then do constraints.

    So, Anzahl der Seeder ist kleiner als................should be

    Anzahl der Seeder kleiner ist als.

    von Teilen should be an Teilen.

    Update Tracker should be Tracker aktualisieren (instead of ändern).

    just my 2 cents ) so far :D

  3. Update &GUI every:

    &GUI akualisieren alle:

    should read

    &GUI aktualisieren alle:

    Put new downloads in: [default is to ask each time]

    Neue Download speichern in: [Vorgabe is jedesmal fragen]

    should read

    Neue Downloads speichern in: [Vorgabe ist jedesmal fragen]

    Store .torrent files in:

    ApeichereTorrent Dateien in:

    should read

    Speichere Torrent Dateien in:

    Move .torrents for finished jobs to:

    Verschiebe .torrents fertiger Downloads:

    should read

    Verschiebe .torrents fertiger Downloads nach:

    Choose where to download '%s' to:

    Wohin soll '%s' Runtergeladen werden:

    should read:

    Wohin soll '%s' gespeichert werden:

    µTorrent is currently not setup as the default application for .torrent files. Do you want to make µTorrent the default application to start when opening a .torrent file?rnrnPress Yes to set µTorrent as the default application.rnPress No to never be asked about this again.

    µTorrent ist nicht die standard Anwendung für .torrent Dateien. Möchtest du .torrent Dateien zukünftig mit µTorrent öffen?rnrnDrücke Ja für µTorrent als standard Anwendung.rnDrücke Nein um nicht gefragt zu werden.

    should read:

    µTorrent ist nicht die Standard Anwendung für .torrent Dateien. Möchtest du .torrent Dateien zukünftig immer mit µTorrent öffen?rnrnDrücke Ja für µTorrent als Standard Anwendung.rnDrücke Nein um nicht mehr gefragt zu werden.



    should read:



    not a typo but "bad Expression"

    Location of Downloaded Files *

    Ort für runtergeladene Dateien *

    should read

    Ort für heruntergeladene Dateien *



    should read


    There was a problem downloading the update for µTorrent. Please try later or visit http://www.utorrent.com. Sorry about the inconvenience.

    Problem bei Runterladen des Updates für µTorrent. Versuch es später noch einmal oder besuche http://www.utorrent.com. Tschuldigung!

    should read as:

    Problem beim Herunterladen des Updates für µTorrent. Versuch es später noch einmal oder besuche http://www.utorrent.com. Tut uns leid!

    Unable to start updater process! Please download the newest version manually on http://www.utorrent.com

    Kann den Update Prozeß nicht starten! Bitte lade die neuste Version von selber von http://www.utorrent.com

    should read:

    Kann den Update Prozeß nicht starten! Bitte lade die neuste Version von Hand auf http://www.utorrent.com

    This "Runterladen - Herunterladen" occurs several times...not wrong, just bad German ;)

    But neverthless the translator did a great job


  4. Sure they are... isn't it remarkable how much more nazi-like they become after you've done something really stupid and had them call you on it? :rolleyes:

    After a few months of having to deal with all the jackasses who keep breaking the rules - and there are always jackasses who push things, in all forums and on all sites - I'm not at all surprised when admins begin to just moderate and ban and not bother to waste too much time with arguing about it... they know no matter what they do they'll get whined at, so why not save themselves the aggravation and just do the job as efficiently as possible?

    when staff starts to behave like this its time to retire.... treating the users like shit on a general basis is downright ignorant... which seems to be the prevalent attitude of most bt staff... alot of em need to take some anti-ego med's ;/

  5. As soon as uTorrent get's the stats fixed, this issue will go away.

    It's the root of the bannings. I'm not using uTorrent, YET.. I'm here, keeping an eye on the progress, when it's working correctly, and the admins of my site are happy with it, I'll start using it. As much as I like uTorrent, it's just a client, and I don't want to get banned from my site because of it.

  6. i ve noticed the lame ass attitude that seems to prevail on most private BT sites.... buncha no life losers takin there sexual and just plain loserdom frustration out on the users... its a shame but i guess ur best bet in dealin with shithead BT staf is just lay low and leech... oh almsot fergot.... find a good cheat app ;)

    Agreed! Also, Utorrent still rocks. 8)

  7. µTorrent was banned on the tracker I use. It was still messing up stats, even with the new version (although a lot less than before). So there are still some issues. The admins are going to test every new release until it is deemed 'safe' to use. Its a pity that these issues exist because I do agree that this client is a great piece of software. Here's hoping the issues will be cleared up soon and this great client will become even greater :)

    Good work guys.

  8. About the client_id switching idea... I think it'd be better for utorrent to set a good reputation for itself instead of hiding behind masks. Soon enough (after the little kinks and bugs are worked out), utorrent will become more widely used (I'm sure if it). Then those admins will have to reverse their decision.

  9. i ve noticed the lame ass attitude that seems to prevail on most private BT sites.... buncha no life losers takin there sexual and just plain loserdom frustration out on the users... its a shame but i guess ur best bet in dealin with shithead BT staf is just lay low and leech... oh almsot fergot.... find a good cheat app ;)

  10. @yEcKEl

    What has registering got to do with anything? Haddock could have upped 467TB for all that it wouldn't matter , he was still a total cocksucker with a bad attitude ..I show respect for people that earn it - not expect it because they are power trippng mods..or short-sighted admins.

  11. Anyway, I plan to continue using uTorrent.. just make sure you don't get banned because an ignorant tracker admin thinks you're trying to fake your ration.

    Just had a brief conversation with TooMuchTime in IRC, and luckily he unbanned my account..

    <TooMuchTime> jibegod - I did reenable your account but I'm not going to take any shit over this uTorrent thing.

    <jibegod> TooMuchTime: Thanks

    <jibegod> Do you think a warning might have been a more appropriate measure?

    <jibegod> Banning an account for not violating *any* rules..

    <TooMuchTime> jibegod: People act like they have a say in what I'm doing. They don't.

    <jibegod> People act like they have an opinion about your judgement, which they do

    <jibegod> Your judgement was apparently very uninformed about the nature of the uTorrent client, and with your refusal to explain your decision in detail, you fault people for asking questions?

    <TooMuchTime> I don't have to answer questions. I will not answer questions because this falls into the realm of how we catch cheaters.

    <jibegod> Alright

    <TooMuchTime> As I said in my PM on the site, if this one client, used by less than 1% of the peers is going to cause me extra hours of work per day, I'll get rid of it.

    <jibegod> That attitude should not belong to someone with authority over a large community of people

    <jibegod> Your position exists to ensure that ALL users who abide by the rules and contribute to the community are treated fairly

    <TooMuchTime> jibegod: like it or not, I'm in that position.

    <jibegod> Yeah, I don't like it

    <ubudes> toomuchtime isn't some dictator

    <jibegod> Apparently he is

    <jibegod> With his despotic ban

    <TooMuchTime> Would you like to lose the account again? It's not like anyone is going to reverse what I do.

    <TooMuchTime> Complain about it in the forums and you're gone.

    <jibegod> Sounds good

    <jibegod> Nice to know I have that option

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