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Posts posted by emtec666

  1. Make the "network ok thingy" optional please or maybe option to change the icon...

    Yeah I second that. I liked the "Network OK" better.

    Then at least the bottom half of uTorrent is "clean" without icons :P

    Edit: doh after using this client for months I now discovered F4 (lazy me)

    OK it's not really important of course

  2. LOL buttons & icons become pretty trivial when your ISP starts shaping your BT traffic like mine is doing now. :(

    I can't wait for the stable (and a fixed Azureus stable of course), I don't care if the buttons are pink, brown or purple as long as my speeds improve it's all good.

  3. I was getting plenty of HashFails with 426, and have now had 6 in the last 2 hours with 427 on a 350meg torrent. so the problem doesn't seem to have gone away. I don't think I ever saw any with 1.4


    I see similar behaviour, 6 hashfails with 427 on a 250 Mb torrent on a small private tracker where I very rarely ever see hash fails. uTorrent 1.3/1.4 was never giving problems on this tracker before.

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