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Posts posted by rrrrrrG

  1. We don't. THEY do... to make money out of a free program ... As far as I know it is not causing an autoupdate from build 25130 on

    You're right. Now I can see it's not auto-updating, my bad.

    They can ask for donation instead of promoting some useless things. It's way better and fair imo.

  2. I think it's much too early for the public testing in the current condition.

    It's obviously in alpha stage, not beta.

    Went back to 2.2.1

    Also cheeseISgood is correct much. Some of the new changes are more than redundant for my bit torrent client.

    I don't want any redundancy in that kind of software, so I will change the application the very day I see some money-making features in it.

    Thanks for your work guys, but be careful in what you're planning.

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