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Posts posted by wphxx

  1. I have Reported your post, because I don't like that you post public other torrent users with port and everything, because then you wrote everything, you just gave, some hackers and other bad persons ip and ports there posible are open on others system

    I was just following the instructions DreadWingKnight gave - to copy peers list.

    Anyway - anyone can create a random torrent and retrieve some people IP addresses and ports that way. Isn't it a bigger security risk?

  2. Copy your peer list from the peers tab and see, I'm betting at least two or three of the addresses point at your own computer.

    True, but there are also others. Created another new file and torrent and it has already 5 peers in total.

    Edit: removed quoted peers list.

  3. No idea whether it's 3.1b25835 issue or something bigger but on W7/64 DHT peer counts seem to be way high, especially with freshly created new torrents.

    Sometimes the peer numbers climb up to 60-70 and after a while drop back to less than 10. When in high state clearing the cache clears the number but it starts rising again back to it's previous level.

    Can reproduce with the following steps:

    1) create a .txt file with random contents

    2) name the file something unique

    3) create a .torrent

    4) load the torrent

    5) watch peer numbers rise

    Just tried that and saw peer numbers change the following 4 seconds - 3, 2, 15, 24. And that 24 stays...

    (Edit: emphasised DHT peer counts part)

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