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Everything posted by mr-brunes

  1. That's great, I used BEncode (backing up resume.dat first, though I use your tip to auto-backup anyway) then did a Replace All, with case sensitive enabled, for the uppercase drive letter plus hyphen and restarted the torrents. It's saved me a ton of time. Tx!
  2. Hi I had to move all my torrent files to another drive but despite changing the drive under Prefs > Directories and trying to re-open the torrent files, it keeps saying "Error: Can't open torrent file:". When I reopen the file it says at first that the torrent I am trying to add is already in the list of torrents and whether I want to load the trackers, so it is reading the file OK up to a point. It just fails afterwards. If I remove the torrent first from the torrent list then adding the torrent works fine but that will take a very long time i.e. to add every torrent from scratch. Any ideas?
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