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Posts posted by z00z0

  1. I think I may have a problem..


    red light, yet I'm connected to so many people, and my dl speed seems normal.

    it didn't do this in 1.5, so I'll see if going back to 1.5 fixes this

    anyone else get this?

    Yup. I had first yellow, than red light with 458 and than with 460 - although down and upload worked great. It was all green with 1.5 minutes ago.

    Than i changed the port 2-3 times, reconfigured-rebooted router for the new port, edited the ports in Windows Firewall. Now it is all green. Took me 10 minutes, now i'm happy. :) Don't know what was problem though.

    EDIT: I should learn to type :P

  2. I'm just glad for the progressbars in main torrent view. :) Thanks again.

    I wonder where are the bloatwarriors now :P As i see Ludde implemented the progressbar very cleverly, avoiding the XP component and using a nice custom ones - and he even managed to put the % inside very nicely, like it is readable whatever the value is. Congrats! :)

  3. z00z0: looks like you're not on b432. :P

    Thanks for the update! :) I can confirm the categories are fixed. Great job there!

    Ps: As i remember this was the first time i missed an update ("just a minor update... bla... bla... i just rather skip it"), and there you have it, the bug that bugged me so much is killed in there. I've learned my lesson :D

  4. Did the 'Active' category meaning change since b428 till b431? Because i loved the way 'Active' only showed the torrents which nor the down speed nor the upspeed isn't = 0, aka they are active: there is some speed related to them. Now i have some - not all - queued seed between them.

    Could anyone tell me what changed in this?

  5. Sorry if this is answered already, but i'm a little confused.

    Could anyone tell me (like to a stupid :)) what is this download limit everyone talking about, when/why is it triggered, and do i get some feedback somewhere in µTorrent , that it is on/triggered.

    Thanks in advance.

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