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Deo Domuique

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Posts posted by Deo Domuique

  1. What I think is that any significant changes in uTorrent brings such a sh!t tonne of new bugs they couldn't hope to fix everything in problematic in both 3.3 and 3.4 in any sort of reasonable time frame.

    Would be great if this was the only problem. The real problem is, the new features they add are extremely sloppy, amateurish. They don't know how to build a proper Windows application. I have all the latest version in my users/roaming folder while the auto update never worked. When I press to install the update it found, the window just closes and nothing happens. They can't even give us a proper installation path, things you learn the first day you start developing. Files that cannot be deleted etc.

    Given the millions they get, you'd think they'd have true, professional developers backing the project at the very least.

  2. Set it to 3 to delete torrent & data.

    Thank you, lad!

    F1 is your friend

    I know about F1, but as usually happens on the extremely badly μTorrent written, you keep searching just to find out what you're looking for is not working anymore. From version to version, you don't know what works and what doesn't.

    That's why I mainly asked about this specific feature.

  3. Guys, please, can someone tell how can I delete torrent + data just by pressing the del button?

    Firstly, is it working in version 3.3.1? I'm asking because someone told once, but it wasn't working and forgot how to do/try it again...

  4. I don't know you, you don't know me, so neither one of us is of any importance in the life of the other, so how is it that putting heavy emphasis on a few words that are there for one and all to read, "shouting" at you in particular??

    You really do sound mad, son. Also, like one of those apologists that many corps lately have for free, and paradoxically, they do feel smarter than the average... boo boo. Coincidentally, your signature.

  5. all of them (including accidental downloading of random not selected files) are fixed?

    Sure... BTW, never seen a random download, make sure you have advanced->distibuted_share.enabled = false.

    It happens regurarly for long time. The only client that is completely solid on this matter, is Tixati. The reason I made it default program currently.

  6. It is an RC, not a final... We still have hopes...

    Incidentally, do you know how can I set the delete button to act like "delete torrent & data" ? I mean, I just want to press the delete button on keyboard in order both, torrent and data files to be removed...

  7. So... in the final 3.3.1 version, we won't have the ability to install utorrent wherever we want? It should be in C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming only? Why? Is it again cause of the devs being incompetent while they don't know how to make the new update system work otherwise? Or they want it to be as hidden as possible for some reason?

    And here, it keeps all the previous downloaded versions... How do I stop that, anyone knows?


  8. Uhm... Lately it's working pretty well, as it seems. What changes have been currently made to installer? Because I'd like to install utorrent on another disk, not my primary C.

    Also, once I saw over 2500 DHT nodes in a relatively small period of time... Was that some kind of error?

  9. Excellent... The nice light blue colour is back, and the new μTorrent icon is damn perfect.

    Now I'm downloading and would like to see if the white gap has been fixed....

    Incidentally, I'm getting a white, blank icon when in "not connectable" mode and the allocated sections for twitter/fb icons remain after I press on them:


    Please, fix these 3 minor glitches.

  10. Uhm... What was the problem with the light blue colour? Sorry, but I'll say it... This purple is a bit gay, but most importantly, completely irrelevant to every other thing I've on my PC. There is nowhere purple to be found.

    Yeah, I know... Details, but... If you could only fix the small white gap, would be great.

    Also, something more important... Sometimes when I close uTorrent, the process "uTorrent.exe" stays intact... It hangs...

  11. BunndleOfferManager.dll


    It's from all the adware/crapware upon utorrent installation. Seems like you were not careful enough to untick all that unecessary junk during the installation of uTorrent!!!

    This sounds logic... The last step is tricky in order to consfuse you. You should press "decline" while it seems like the normal EULA we usually get by other software that we've to press "accept" in order to proceed. Maybe somewhere there you were consfused and one of the 3 crapware has been installed on you.

  12. no use coz it is inbuild into the program.

    chk ur temp folder,u will find it running.

    Seriously, what are you talking about? I'm watching via Process Explorer and when I open μTorrent, nothing else starts running... Care to elaborate -at least send prive msg...

    I have auto check for updates disabled and DHT enabled only for new torrents, while I still see some unexplained traffic on the main executable, I simply cannot know what can be. Other processes, though, none.

    Which Temp folder? The C:/Windows/Temp, C:/Users/blabla/Temp Internet Files or what?

  13. Sorry, but... I still cannot see the "better Magnet handling". It's painfully slow to get a second Magnet if at least one other torrent is active. Only once on the first 3.3.1 beta became faster for a while, but when I went back to 3.3 stable, now even the first magnet renders slowly.

    Guys, between us, I really believe Bitorrent Inc needs some new blood in the team... The current devs are always leaving the first "stable" versions in a truly poor condition... They need 5-6 more same-numbered updates just to work better, and a few more in order to be somewhat ironed.

    When was the last time you got a "stable" version that kept fully working for at least some months? Don't they need to change some devs?

    In short, my humble opinion is, Bitorrent Inc is paying incompetend devs who simply cannot work on such a project. This is one of major roots of problems.

  14. Forgot to say, I just discovered why the rendering of magnet links is extremely slow if I have at least one more active torrent... It's because I've set upload/download limits. If I turn both to "0" ( unlimited ) no matter how many torrents are active, the rendering is extremely fast...

    Unless there's a glitch in 3.3 which has been fixed in 3.3.1 beta, but none mentioned anything about. Or... these "flushing" fixes helped somehow...

  15. Check the free torrent on TPB "TPB AFK".

    It's the first time I started getting disk overload errors. 3.3 stable and 3.3.1 beta, likewise. I've never seen again the infamous error that everyone is talking about. It happens at the beginning 3-4 times consistently. Meanwhile, my connection isn't something fast. I can only download with 2MB/s on a Sata 3 WD Black HDD. The seeders are too many and as a result, at the beginning I get fullspeed extremely fast... Don't know if this has something to do with the problem... Maybe it needs a little more tweaking?

    Also, yea... 3.3.1 didn't ask where to install... I now have 2 versions. One on my SSD ( 3.3.1 ) and one on my HDD ( 3.3 ) with all the shortcuts and who knows what else.

    By the way, I've enabled, "notify me before installing updates" and I'm waiting to get one to see whether it works or not. I'll report back.

  16. One question:

    "speed up the rendering of magnet links" means that the torrent information is now retrieved faster?



    I was just came here to ask about this... The first magnet -if no other torrents are active- is being rendered fast, but if I have even one torrent active, the second magnet would be painfully slow... I mean, Turtle... It's like it goes with 0.5KB/s for long time, until I see the content... If I have 2-3 active torrents, I better not try another magnet.

  17. I had problems to start the installation, likewise. After many kills and re-tries, it finally started up after ~30 secs. I'm on Win7 x64. It's something in the installer and the notice "allow this bla bla" we've to get.

    At some point I had 2-3 ism.exe instances running. I truly don't remember when was the last version that all the basic -at least- functions were working normally. We always have to deal with 1 or 2 "main" functions broken. What gives?

  18. Just replace the old exe and be done with it... :)

    You mean without pressing "check for updates" etc? Just download the latest version manually and overwrite in the folder it currently is?

    Because I've disabled auto-checking for updates and I'm doing it manually.

  19. Did the last 2 versions triggered new installation for you? It doesn't even find the default directory I've μTorrent installed and asks to install it in C:/users/blabla.

    Is this normal due to some fixes that require new registration or something?

  20. RamDrive... So, as I see I need a specific software, right? I see a list of Ram Drive programs on Wikipedia... Which one would you propose to start with? A free, decent one?

    I've μTorrent-related stuff on a normal HDD, which is a WD Black Sata 3 with 64MB buffer. I don't have problems, I'm just trying learn/test things.

  21. rafl, according to your guide, check how I've set up mine: iQxDi58ndLTEq.png

    As you see, I'm just trying to avoid disk writing/reading as much as possible. I gave the limit ( 1.8GB ) of RAM to μTorrent... Now, I'd like to know, since I've disabled "write out finished pieces immediately" & "write out untouched blocks every 2 mins" when exactly it writes on disk? I've seen increased Memory usage, but not much. From ~20MB it went ~50-60MB... I thought it would start writing when all pieces were done or something and I'd see great RAM usage... Care to explain what happens in this case?

    I don't mind if lose data in an electricity-down scenario nor if it start using 1.8GB RAM -that's the purpose, actually.

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