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Posts posted by opHaido

  1. 5 hours ago, icebox said:

    rafi I've seen this for a long time, don't know when it started, but I'm using 46206 at the moment.  Is ther ea later stable build?


    Check out SergeyQA's post from March 18. That's the build in Rafi's video. Obviously it experimental.

    Regarding your problem, have you tried moving the best seeded torrents up the queue?

  2. Capture.thumb.JPG.4f72a07d6b9d8b689de7b39eadc5a501.JPG

    20 hours ago, javacatpaul said:

      However if uT is already up and running then it does nothing at all, ignoring the maglink handoff input [but it DID get it, as uT became top-most window and was activated].  So, buffer size issue...

    Have you tried adding Torrent from URL... (Ctrl+U)? I cannot reproduce the bug when pasting the mag link into the dialog box. And, as you can see above, the entire tracker list has been included.

    Running rafi's latest uTorrent.exe with LAA flag with minimally modified settings.dat also from rafi.

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