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  1. Same thing, it maybe something to do with the application firewall in osx 10.5. When i turned it to allow all incoming connections, I was able to download files. Except for one, but that might be the specific torrent or tracker. I reinstalled the older version and that one torrent did still is stalled. I'll try reinstalling 9.1 when I have something else to download through bit torrent and see if the problem comes back with the firewall turned on. -- I'd also suggest to anyone that can check to see if it's the stealth mode in the advanced button menu on the firewall that might do it. I tried many different things and can't say for certain if the stealth mode tick changes the behaviour or not. But as I said before I was able to download files with the firewall set to allow all incoming connections. added a random torrent. Downloads fine (although I have to set upload to 5kB/s otherwise all traffic on my network degrades, but this seems to set dl to max at about 30 kB/s which is separate i know but just wondering 10 let's it go up) quit program. Updated by replacing the previous version with 0.9.1 from dmg. allowed incoming connections for utorrent once. utorrent hung. console messages: 2/16/09 1:08:11 AM uTorrent[818] *** _networkReachabilityChangedCallback got flags: -r----- 2/16/09 1:08:11 AM uTorrent[818] networkReachabilityDidChange: NSConcreteNotification 0x16268490 {name = BitTorrentNetworkReachabilityDidChangeNotification; object = 1} In the appfirewall.log a bunch of stealth connection attempts are recorded starting from when I launched the new version of utorrent. Forcequit utorrent re launched. edit for stealth connection log entry: Feb 16 01:28:57 COMPUTERNAMEREPLACED Firewall[41]: Stealth Mode connection attempt to TCP IP:PORTREPLACED from IP:PORTREPLACED (replaced some semi personal info my computer name and the ips/ports) Hangs again.Turned off stealth mode. forcequit utorrent. relaunch hangs. Turned off firewall. relaunched didn't hang. network indicator is orange. download is slow. Speeds up but doesn't seem consistent. fluctuates. Turn on firewall. No change. Enabled stealth mode. No change. quit utorrent, relaunched. no hangs. still orange. console message from shutdown: 2/16/09 1:23:57 AM uTorrent[872] An instance 0x28cd70 of class MainWindowController is being deallocated while key value observers are still registered with it. Observation info is being leaked, and may even become mistakenly attached to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current observation info: <NSKeyValueObservationInfo 0x28a970> ( <NSKeyValueObservance 0x2d98e0: Observer: 0x231c80, Key path: sidebarMenuText, Options: <New: NO, Old: NO, Prior: NO> Context: 0x27fcd0, Property: 0x2bbb30> ) quit utorrent. repeat of last console message at shutdown. Reinstalled old version0.9.0.4 . start utorrent(stealthmode and firewall on.) Allow connections popup comes on twice allow twice. connection green. quickly connects faster than 0.9.1 version. No problems in console, no stealthconnections notifications in appfirewall.log Maybe that's a little confusingly written. But I hope it might help.
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