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Posts posted by schnurlos

  1. On 8/7/2023 at 11:52 AM, raddyst said:

    Another case of ignore data from flags.conf:

    kvsz.com added over year ago


    That is a known problem which I mentioned to the devs long time ago (2010 !!!).

    Listed ***.com and ***.net (f.e. the kvsz.com) addresses are ignored from flags.conf if they are identified with the identical text as written in flags.conf without any IP in front of it - that works pretty if they identify f.e. as kvsz.us without the IP:



    • Like 1
  2. On 3/10/2023 at 1:24 AM, raddyst said:

    .pro domains display as .ro with romanian flag.. \

    # Mappings in form of 'hostname|TLD'
    # .net and .com ONLY
    # .pro, org, .info. ... are NOT INCLUDED AND WILL NOT WORK!

    This is implemented from the beginning in utorrent.exe. Any attempt to include other domain extensions was unfortunately ignored by the developers.



    Update 2023-05-25: http://www.should.keepfree.de/flags.zip
    How to use / description: http://www.should.keepfree.de/Readme_FLAGS.html

  3. Für die neueste  Windows Beta-Version 3.6 gibt es:

    die deutsche Sprachdatei / den Changelog /

    den englischen Thread für diese Version


    Für die aktuelleste  stabile Windows-Version 3.6 gibt es:

    die deutsche Sprachdatei / den Changelog /

    den englischen Thread für diese Version


    Changelog aller bisherigen Windows-Versionen von µTorrent


  4. I made an update, removed doubles and triples - sometimes I had to remove both entries or update to a new country code too. So things are always changing :P

    I checked them with 3 different whois services, sometimes I get 2 different results ... I took the newer ones.

  5. Dear translators,

    As you have waited so long for any updates on uTS - we have an update there with the build 46196 which is one of the latest builds of uTorrent. With some help from Poland it was possible to get that thing working again and add the new build with all the changed text. The last update on uTS was from december 2016 ...

    If you find any errors there - please stay calm :)

    I had to find out how things are working there and perhaps there are still some text's missing or other issues - just report. BTW: build 43086 was just a test at uTS from my side, it never existed!

    If you want to start or restart as translator, just contact me here in the forums. What I need from you is the language you want to translate, your username and an email address to send you the password for accessing https://translate.utorrent.com/index.php

    For a new username you have to register in the forums before, otherwise you have no "ID" (the no. you can see in the browser when you watch your profile).

    ALL users on uTS which had not logged in to uTS in the last years have been removed there. If there was a language with only one user that one has been kept.


    Regards, schnurlos

  6. Update 2021-06-20: http://www.should.keepfree.de/flags.zip
    How to use / description: http://www.should.keepfree.de/Readme_FLAGS.html


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