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Posts posted by Exoskeletor

  1. mm yes thats right ultima, im one check the feature request page he will understand that asking is useless :D

    (i was not asking for the final release, i thought beta releases are easier to say when there will be released)

  2. ICleolion i cant see any detail on the detailed tab and the read me says that not ALL the informations are shown so if it is normal to not show anything how would i know? (which you should have thought). I was running it on a windows xp machine and unfortunatly i dont know the firefox version because it was from the internet area of my college. When i go again i will look out and tell you

  3. i have a problem with the 483 version and the beta 2 of webui with firefox. when i add a torrent i cannot add another(i cannot press the add button). i can add it only if i hit refresh. do you know why?

    Also the detailed details aren't working

  4. what about a page here on utorrent.com with all the nessecary files in which we enter username, password, ip and port and the page redirect us in the right page for our internet browser? Im sure you will do this when the beta testing is complete :)

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