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Reset Bans and Clear Peer List

Amish Jadhav

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Dear Torrenters

While I am downloading a specific torrent, if I click on Advance>Reset Bans and Advance> Clear Peer List, my downloading speed shoots up to 700-900 kbps which is normally 100kbps, there is XBTCACHE 1.0.20160504 client available in peer list which helps to gain such speed. But after few seconds or a minute the peer gets disappeared and again I have to follow the same procedure.
For other torrents I have experienced max downloading speed to 2-4 Mbps. So what's wrong with this torrent or my client? And how can I keep that peer from disappearing or is that ip getting ban?

Is there any settings I am missing? I have never played with the setting before so kindly give me tips on how can I improve my speed


EDIT:- No one knows about it? even the administrators not active on this site! :(

EDIT2:- Downloaded almost 10 GB still no reply.. LOL.. people have no idea of why the problem is! :(

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