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File path is gone?


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In the 'Details Pane' (under the 'General' tab), next to 'Save As:', I used to be able to see the saved file path of the torrent. Lately, it only shows the name of the file or the top level folder of the torrent. Why is this? Has a change been made in an update (I'm on 1.8.7), or can I do something to get this function back? Since I save torrents on various different HDs, this function is necessary for me to quickly see on which drive and in which folder a torrent is located.

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I checked another Mac today (Macbook Pro), which is also running 1.8.7, and there the full path is visible normally. So I wonder why uTorrent on my Mac Pro is not showing it anymore. Could it be a bug and I just need to restart uTorrent?

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