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uttorrent "false" or empty files


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downloading multiple files ... but don't finish all of it.

but uttorrent files still all show full file size so you don't know which ones are working and which one say 4 megs but are really only empty/nothing files.

anyway to stop this?

btw i don't have "pre-allocate file space" checked but it still seems to do so


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well it does report false file size


downloading a torrent with 10 individual files ... each a 5 megs

now, for some reason, you only download 7 of the 10 files

go to your hard drive and all 10 files show a size of 5 megs even though 3 of them weren't downloaded and are empty.

the only way to tell which 3 are empty is to try and use each one of the 10 files and find which 3 don't work.

not a big deal unless the torrent has 100 files and you have try each one to figure out which 3 weren't downloaded.

the link you provided says something about using "sparse files"???

anyone got a hint on how to use "sparse files"


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Yes, indeed it is, I wasn't sure if you disabled it. Anyhow, I don't know what's going on on your end, but when I tell µTorrent to skip files, it skips them, and when it downloads data that is part of the file, it places it in the temporary partfile.

The options I spoke about in the other thread are all located in the Advanced settings. Which means you have to read what I wrote carefully -- AKA disable diskio.use_partfile if you enable bt.compact_allocation, etc.

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when i tell it to skip files ... it doesn't download them either. But it still labels the file as a full file size ... even though it's really empty.

i don't have my torrents move after it's complete ... so all the partial,complete and empty files stay in the same place and all are labeled as full size.

each file piece shows full size irregardless of whether is 1% downloaded or 100%.

i was just wondering whether there was a way to have to show the real size instead of the Allocated size.

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Each file downloaded, besides those that are supposed to be placed in the partfile (the skipped files), is normally allocated in its full size unless you use bt.compact_allocation or diskio.sparse_files (NTFS only), as I said in the other thread.

I was just making sure you didn't touch the Advanced settings earlier. (Don't double-post)

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also you can't go into the file tab and "delete and remove data" per piece either only by full torrent.

so unless you uncheck each individual piece you don't want when you initially download the torrent, you have to try each file to see if it works after download.

am i making any sense with this?

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You don't need to disable individiual pieces. What I see is that your partfile isn't working properly, as it's supposed to contain data from piece files that are part of files that you chose to skip, and basically prevents them from being allocated.

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just found a bit of a workaround for it ... for anyone else with the issue.

go into the preference > torrents > check "append .!ut to incomplete files"

files are still labeled full size ... but at least you know which ones are incomplete by the file type. So you can delete them manually without checking each one.

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