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Never Green light


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I'm behind a router and µTorrent never shows the green light, it's always only the warning sign. I have already opened the port I use in µTorrent and turned off uPnP on the router, but there's still no green light. It must be something with the router, because I've tried at another place with a different router, and the green light appeared quickly, so there must be something wrong with the router settings... I have done the port forwarding right, have done it many times before. What can be the problem, I don't get any warning in the log other than "unable to map upnp port"

Anyone got an idea what my problem can be?

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I changed the Netgear router, with my own Linksys, that helped, It has to be something wrong in the Netgear router, tried almost every kind of different setting with no result, so got tired of it and used my own instead. But thanks for your help anyway guys. My advice to others, buy a Linksys router, It's easy and it works ;) Take care fellow peers!

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